Biomech Francis

Скины » Фрэнсис Biomech Francis Biomech Francis
Author"s Readme/Notes

My first L4D skin and maybe the only one I"ll make.

What I"ve changed/added.

I"ve made his scars a bit bigger.
4 patches on the front of his waist jacket; 2 crosses with skulls, hard core biker and an OCC cross.
He"s got 5 biomechanical tattoos on his left arm and 3 biomechanical tattoos on his right arm.
4 parts from biomechanical tattoos on his neck that I put together to make it look like 1 whole tattoo.
Faded ghost rider skull on the back of his waist jacket.
Faded falmes on right leg and a small faded red skull on his left back pocket.
Faded tribal pattern on his boots.


1) Go to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\materials\models\survivors\ and put the «biker» folder in there. If you don"t have the survivors folder then make it.

2) Now, look for «whitelist.cfg» in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead and add «add» «materials/models/…» under the line // Additional files/directories to allow. Make a copy of this in case something goes wrong. If you don"t have any skins installed then use the «whitelist.cfg» file I"ve included.

3) Now, look for pak01_dir.vpk in the same folder as the «whitelist.cfg». Open it using Notepad ++. Make sure you backup the original pak01_dir.vpk file. If you dont have Notepad ++ and again don"t have skins installed then use the «pak01_dir.vpk» file I"ve included.

4) When you opened up pak01_dir.vpk with Notepad ++, press Ctrl+F to find these lines:

$baseTexture «models\survivors\biker\francis_color»

Replace «francis_color» with «francis_color2» and save.

$baseTexture «models\survivors\biker\francis_head»

Replace «francis_head» with «francis_head2»

$compress «models\survivors\biker\francis_head_compress»

Replace «francis_head_compress» with «francis_head_compress2»
Размер: 14.39 Мбайт
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13 июля 2013, 12:16:05

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