How to try Infected in the Demo


This works for single player only as of now, and is of course an incomplete feature, so don't even think about bugs or balance! This is purely for fun and curiosity!

There are scraps of Versus mode inside the demo. Models, sounds, and yes, even helpful tooltips and hint screens are included for playing the Infected bosses! If this post is somehow against the rules, delete it at your leisure.

  1. From the starting screen, click Options, then Mouse/Keyboard, and enable the developer console.
  2. Start a single player game and open your console with the ~ key.
  3. Type sv_cheats 1 and press enter. This will enable cheat mode.
  4. Type ent_fire !self setteam 3 and press enter. When you close the console, you will «die» and join the Infected team!
    You get to choose where to spawn as a baddie! Press E to cycle through some suggested spawn locations, or to teleport directly to the survivors if you get too far away before spawning. But the next problem is that the AI controlled survivors will not leave their starting room and the game will not start on its own.
  5. Open the console and type director_force_versus_start 1 and enter to begin the round.
    The survivors will start hacking their way through the apartment building and you finally get to try your zombie character!
  6. When you die (and you probably will), you will not respawn. Press space to cycle through different spectating modes till you are in in free flight mode. You must then use these commands in the console WHILE DEAD.
    z_spawn tank
    z_spawn boomer
    z_spawn smoker
    z_spawn hunter
    These will spawn you as that infected at the spot you are currently «flying» while dead.

KEEP IN MIND that these are just scraps of Versus mode! These demo maps were not designed for it, and they are not balanced or bug free in any way! There are places where you will die as soon as you spawn among other fun ways to get stuck or «break» the level (see here)

The Subways

Substitute the force_versus command with sb_all_bot_team 1 to make the Subways playable with a bot team.

Multiplayer Warning

Many people are using workarounds to make this work in multiplayer. I advocate only using these commands in single player or multiplayer WITH FRIENDS.

I advise everyone to be aware that this demo is vulnerable to sv_cheats 1 in many online situations. There will be 13 year olds, fresh from being picked on at school, who want to put 10 witches in the starting room among many other «creative» uses of cheat mode.

When you join someone else's server, open your console and type sv_cheats by itself, with no number following. This is asking the server if cheat mode is on. The console window will tell you if sv_cheats is «1» for yes, or «0» for no. If cheats are on, it's up to you to decide to stay or not. Worst comes to worst, host your own game.

Have fun =)

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