Setup the NAV for autospawning Zombies without triggers

Hello well this is my first Tutorial here. I messed around a littlebit with the nav commands in console and found out a way to tell the AI-Director where he can spawn zombies.
[settup map] OK, I hope you know how to map and hope you have created a map with some Walls (ai director needs walls to spawn zombies on hidden places, so that you cant see the spawnprocess). On the map create an entity with the class Info_Director and an Entity with the good old Info_Player_Start Class. So compile the map, its ready. [Create Nav File] OK load your map in L4D via the console (map map_name). Then type in: director_stop (do it or the director will spawn bosses and we dont need it now) sv_cheats 1 nav_mark_walkable (we need it for the next process to tell where we can walk) nav_generate (it will generate the required Nav file for AI control) [setting up the Nav for the AI director] again open your console and type: director_debug 1 (we need it later. A text on the left will popup and tell us what the director is doing) Ok now here comes the magic: a few minutes ago i found an interactiv GUI to manipulate the Nav and adjust atributes of the several Nav-Areas. type in the following: nav_gui (i binded it to a key) Now you will see the nav areas (you cant move any longer) and a Gui on the left. Klick on Flood Select and then on any area you want. Now all of them will be marked and filled up by a color. Then mark the Atribute «Place» in the GUI and klick on «Atributes» and then on «Edit Mesh». [The apocalypse] Now close The GUI and open your console. Type: director_start Now take a look on the left (the director debug text). You can see a counter counting down. Next mop Size (shows you how many zombies will be spawned by the director) And (very important) Spawn area x# alternative x# (x stands for the displayed number). Before we had edited the nav mesh, spawn area and alternativ has been left by 0 and no zombies were spawned when the counter reached 0, only bosses. Now everytime the counter reaches 0, zombies will be spawned in the displayed areas, chosen by the AI-Director. [comment] I think this is the same way it works on the Original maps. The ai director waits a randomly chosen time and then it spawns zombies in the areas it wants. Thats why every round is different. [my problem+help me PLS] Ok this works fine, but whenever i left a map, all nav settings (i mean the atributes are lost). so next time i load it i have to reconfigure the Nav atributes. So i tried the following: Edited the NAV and typed in console nav_save, it says nav has been saved. But it still does not work. Does it matter that nav_edit was still 1? To save succesfully, what do i have to do?
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