L4D actor speeds: testing results

Статьи http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=770644 Since people seemed to like my testing about the survivor outlines, and someone asked a question concerning it, I decided to do a little research into the various speeds of the actors (survivors and infected) in L4D. The primary method of testing is noting the values returned by having cl_showpos enabled. This is a standard method of testing in TF2 as well. All speeds are in velocity units, which is the unit that the source engine uses. Ok, Survivors first. There are, 4 discrete health states for a survivor in L4D. Healthy, or «green health» is anything above 50 health. Wounded, or «yellow health», is 16−50 health. Danger, or «red health» is 1−15. The final state I"ll call Near Death. This state only occurs after you"ve been knocked down at least once, and you"ve bled out (after being helped back up) down below 1 health. I know about the black and white stage. That doesn"t affect speed though. Now, contrary to what you might think. You do NOT slow down when you enter yellow health. You slow down when your health reaches 40, although your health bar turns yellow at 50. This seems odd to me, but that"s how it works. The second state of slowness, where you become extremely slow, only happens when you enter the near death state I described above. But in this state, your running speed doesn"t slow down. Rather, running is simply disabled, and you"re forced to walk. In case anyone"s not aware, walking is when you hold shift while moving. It slows you down, and allows you to move without revealing your outline. Crouchwalk is when you move around while holding the crouch key (ctrl). Holding the crouch AND the walk keys is just treated as crouching. Ok. With that in mind: healthy survivor run speed: 220 Walk speed: 85 Crouchwalk speed: 75 Now, something to note. With one exception, walk and crouchwalk speeds are universal. If you do them, you will always move at the speed described above, regardless of how much health you have. Even hunters, boomers, and smokers, walk and crouchwalk at these universal speeds. Tanks however, do not. more on that soon. Now, when your health falls below 40, (not 50) you slow down. Wounded survivor run speed: 150 As mentioned, your walking speed does not change when injured, only the run speed. The final near death state, slows your running right down to the same as the universal walk speed, so: Near death survivor run speed: 85 Lastly, there is one other mode of survivor movement. Hopping. If you repeatedly jump as you move forward, you go faster. Due to the vertical speeds as you rise and fall, getting an exact value on this is difficult, but: Hopping survivor forward speed: Approximately 270. ok, infected time. The speeds for the witch and normal infected are in cvars, so those can be found even though they"re not playable Normal infected run speed: 250 Faster than a survivor. You cannot outrun the horde, except maybe by hopping. Good to know. Witch normal speed: 300 Witch wounded speed: 200 Given the inability to play her, I"m not able to test exactly how much damage constitutes wounded, but the witch slows down significantly if you do enough damage. Ok, playable infected time. As mentioned, hunters, boomers, and smokers move at the same walk/crouchwalk speeds as survivors. They all have different running speeds though. Hunter run speed: 250 (faster than survivors) Smoker run speed: 210 Boomer run speed: 175 hunter pounce speed: 700 (speed at which he flies through the air) I"m sure we all knew the boomer was slow, but it"s good to have confirmation. Now, aside from that, boss infected move slower when on fire. Their burning speed fluctuates constantly though, so it"s hard to get exact values, but I have approximations Hunter onfire run speed: 210 Smoker onfire run speed: 168 Boomer onfire run speed: 145 They also have slower walk/crouchwalk speeds. Again, all three share the same speeds for these actions: onfire Walk: 75 onfire Crouchwalk: 60 Finally, the boss infected do NOT slow down when their health is low. All 3 move at their full speed regardless of health. Now, Tank time ^^ Tank Run speed: 210 (same as smoker, slower than full health survivor) Tank Walk speed: 100 (different from the universal 85 walk speed.) The tank"s crouchwalk speed is the same as the universal one though. The tank"s speed does NOT change when he"s on fire, or when his health is low. However, being shot slows him down for half a second or so. A full hitting shotgun blast knocks him down to about 150. I haven"t extensively tested what weapons are best for slowing though. Some other miscellaneous notes: Neither survivors nor infected are slowed down by firing weapons/using melee while moving. You move at the same speed running forwards or backwards. Unlike Tf2, there is no speed penalty for backpedalling. And, for a little comparison, here are the speeds of actors from TF2. L4D and Tf2 run on the same engine of course, and the same scale is used in measuring: Taken from: http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Speed Scout: 400 Medic: 320 Engy/Pyro/Sniper/Spy: 300 Demoman: 280 Soldier: 240 Heavy: 230 Even the heavy is faster than survivors in L4D, and he could certainly outrun a tank. Overall, L4D is a slower game. I hope this information has been useful, even just in satisfying some curiosity.

19 декабря 2008 г.


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